
Physician Disciplined After Leaving Shift to Get Surgery

Posted by Joseph D. Lento | Mar 20, 2024 | 0 Comments

Licensed physicians across the country are held accountable by a series of stringent regulations created by respective professional boards and state authorities. Yet, built into them are provisions that can be taken to cover for crises, like when emergencies arise. However, as part of their responsibility to the public well-being, physicians must always follow proper protocols regardless of the circumstances. If you're a licensed physician defending against misconduct allegations, call the LLF Law Firm Professional License Defense Team at 888-535-3686 or go online now

Philadelphia Physician Disciplined After Protocol Breach  

Theodore Christopher, the longtime head of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Philadelphia's Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, was scheduled to work a hospital shift and supervise a first-year resident. However, he later “walked away from his shift to undergo a diagnostic procedure under anesthesia in another part of the hospital.” The incident alarmed hospital staff, leaving his subordinates scrambling to find another shift supervisor. 

Christopher reportedly had an “emergency gastrointestinal issue that required an immediate diagnostic procedure performed under anesthesia.” While hospital officials claim that no patient experienced a lapse in care, he was disciplined because he failed to “follow Jefferson's internal protocol regarding leaving work.” Nevertheless, it was not the first time the physician had been the subject of a complaint or criticism. 

He reportedly had a history of being unavailable as department chair and during scheduled shifts at times. The hospital also opened an investigation into staff complaints about gender discrimination and management issues but concluded only departmental improvements were needed. 

How Can Accusations Harm a Physician's License? 

Even when a seasoned physician makes clear mistakes and breaches licensing regulations, they will garner profound implications. In terms of overseeing subordinates, Jefferson's residency program is governed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, and its rules require Jefferson's emergency physicians to be “physically present” and provide “direct supervision” to first-year residents. 

Moreover, with allegations accruing over the years, licensing authorities can consider previous actions against a licensee in their determination for discipline. For instance, while Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has disciplined Christopher, the Pennsylvania Board of Medicine—which oversees all licensed healthcare professionals— is now considering if further discipline is warranted. Under Pennsylvania law, physicians have a duty to provide care for patients and can face discipline for failing to properly supervise staff, including residents and other trainees. 

How Can Physicians Defend Their Credentials?  

Complaints—whether from staff members, patients, or any anonymous individual—start a process that can take months to resolve. While complaints remain confidential unless wrongdoing is found, it can quickly derail an individual's career. Each hospital and state licensing board provides a pathway to an appeal, but although physicians are qualified to give life-saving care, administrative adjudication may not be their expertise. 

The LLF Law Firm understands the time, money, and dedication physicians put into obtaining their education and licensing to practice medicine. Our team of attorneys has worked with hundreds of licensed healthcare professionals to defend them against licensing authorities. To achieve the best outcome for your case, call the LLF Law Firm Professional License Defense Team at 888-535-3686 now or use our confidential online consultation service.  

About the Author

Joseph D. Lento

"I pride myself on having heart and driving hard to get results!" Attorney Joseph D. Lento has unparalleled experience fighting for the futures of his professional clients nationwide. With unparalleled experience occupying several roles in the justice system outside of being an attorney, Joseph D. Lento can give you valuable behind-the-scenes insight as to what is happening during all phases of the legal process. In the courtroom and in life, attorney Joseph D. Lento stands up when the bell rings!


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