Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) serve an important purpose in Michigan. These nursing professionals provide pain medication care for patients before, during, and after surgery and constantly monitor every biological function of a patient's body while they are keeping patients asleep or pain-free during surgery. CRNAs spend years earning specialized education, experience, and the credentials to practice in Michigan. Yet, too often, qualified and passionate certified registered nurse anesthetists become targets of allegations of professional wrongdoing. These accusations set into motion processes that can lead to CRNA losing their license. If you are a CRNA facing sanctions, the license you worked for years to earn is at risk of suspension or revocation. Your career and livelihood are at risk.
You shouldn't face sanctions for false accusations or an honest mistake. If someone makes a complaint of professional wrongdoing against you, you should act immediately to protect your license and your future. Contact the Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team and begin building a strong case in your defense. Contact us today at 888.535.3686 or through our online form to discuss your case.
Legal Powers the Michigan Board of Nursing Has to Discipline You
The Michigan Board of Nursing licenses certified registered nurse anesthetists in Michigan. This gives the board legal authority to regulate and discipline you within its jurisdiction as long as it has sufficient legal grounds to administer punishments. This gives the board authority to take actions, such as:
- Issue and renew licenses and certifications, such as those for CRNAs
- Establish and enforce standards of practice and professional conduct for nursing professionals
- Conduct investigations into complaints or allegations of misconduct, violations of nursing laws and regulations, or incompetence
- Take disciplinary actions, such as issuing fines or warnings, or ordering the probation, suspension, or revocation of a nurse's license or certification
- Require education or rehabilitation programs for nurses who violate standards but can be rehabilitated
- Promulgate rules and regulations related to nursing practice within Michigan
Sanctions taken by the Michigan Board of Nursing against a CRNA can vary in severity. But even the mildest warning should be taken with seriousness. Any form of discipline a board takes can become a part of your professional nursing record. As a result, it could:
- Put you at risk of termination for any future mishaps you may have with your current employer
- Limit your job opportunities in the future
- Limit your earning potential
- Limit your prospects for advancement in your CRNA career
- Create stress and mental health issues for you
Regardless of the severity of the threat against you, you need an experienced professional license defense team on your side to protect your credentials, your career, and your future.
Do Not Expect the Truth Will Protect You from License-Related Sanctions in Michigan
If you did nothing wrong, you'd expect the Board to let you off the hook. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way. Even if they are false, accusations of professional wrongdoing set into motion processes that can jeopardize the credentials you worked so hard for. Sometimes, boards make mistakes in their own processes and make unfair or inaccurate rulings due to:
- Not carrying out the necessary due diligence and failing to uncover facts, testimony, and other evidence that could impact the outcome of your case
- Harboring biases in favor of the claimant or against you, the accused
- Failing to consider important evidence that could have swayed the case in your favor
- Failing to reach an appropriate conclusion despite the information available in your case
The Michigan Board of Nursing issues discipline against nursing professionals. In some cases, CRNAs may have been wrongly accused and, as a result, suffered harsher penalties than they deserved, putting their careers and future at risk. Don't assume your job and credentials are safe from false accusations just because you didn't do anything wrong. Protect yourself and your future with an experienced professional license team.
What is the Nurse Licensure Compact, and Why is it Relevant to Nurse Anesthetists Practicing in Michigan?
Michigan is currently one of only 11 states that does not participate in the Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC). This compact allows licensed professional nurses who get their license in a compact state to practice in other compact states without additional licensing requirements. However, a bill introduced in Michigan's Legislature in September 2023 could change that as a way to help address a healthcare worker shortage in the state.
The NLC is overseen by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). Being an NLC state can be a tremendous benefit for the member state as well as licensed nurses in other compact states. However, this unification of nursing standards also means that if your license is revoked in one NLC state, you also lose your ability to practice in other NLC states. But even in non-NLC-compliant states, your nursing record will likely follow you to another state and jeopardize your ability to get hired.
Why the NCSBN's Nursys Database is Relevant to Nurse Anesthetists Facing Possible License Sanctions
NCSBN has a Nursys Database, a national nurse licensure and disciplinary database that is primarily sourced by state nursing boards. This program also helps unify nursing across the country, which means that anyone in the medical industry can access the data and find information, such as:
- Your current license status
- Your professional disciplinary history
- Make licensure and hiring decisions based on information about you in the Nursys database
The Nurse Licensure Compact database only amplifies the professional stakes for you if you are accused of professional wrongdoing and sanctioned. And, if you are sanctioned, you can expect the following:
- The sanctions the board hands down against you will be included in the database
- You must explain why you were sanctioned when applying to renew your license or to get a job anywhere in the country, whether or not you are in a Nurse Licensure Compact state
The Nurse Licensure Compact and the Nursys database help ensure that any actions the Michigan Board of Nursing takes against you don't stay in Michigan but follow you far beyond the state's borders to other states. This only clarifies the importance of obtaining experienced legal counsel when your CRNA credentials are in jeopardy, and you face long-term consequences.
Grounds for Sanctions Against Nurse Anesthetists Practicing in Michigan
The Michigan Board of Nursing has several reasons for disciplining certified registered nurse anesthetists in the state, such as when they:
- Engage unethical conduct
- Violate patient confidentiality
- Provide substantial care
- Fail to follow protocols established by the Board
- Neglect or harm patients
- Are convicted of a crime that affects their ability to safely practice
- Abuse substances that impact job performance and patient safety
- Engage in fraudulent activities related to patient care or documentation
- Fail to renew or maintain their valid nursing license
- Engage in inappropriate relationships with patients
- Violate professional boundaries with patients
- Fail to fulfill required continuing education hours
- Engage in unprofessional or unethical behaviors
- Have physical or mental health issues that impair their ability to practice safely
The slightest misstep on a CRNA's part can put their license, reputation, and future at risk.
The Adjudication Process for Nurse Anesthetist Licensing Issues in Michigan
The Michigan Nursing Board manages the adjudication process for nurses with licensing issues in Michigan. While the specific details may differ, the general process often involves several key steps:
Complaint or Report Filing
The process usually begins with filing a complaint or report against a nurse. This can come from various sources, including patients, employers, colleagues, or the nurses themselves in the case of self-reporting.
Preliminary Review
The Board reviews the complaint to determine if it falls within its jurisdiction and if there is sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation.
If the complaint is deemed valid, the Board initiates an investigation. This may involve gathering evidence, interviewing relevant parties, and obtaining documentation related to the allegations.
Notification to the Nurse
The Board typically notifies the CRNA about the complaint and the investigation, and they may be required to provide a response or explanation.
Board Review
The Board reviews the findings of the investigation and determines whether there is enough evidence to support disciplinary action.
Informal Resolution or Settlement (if applicable)
In some cases, there may be opportunities for an informal resolution or settlement between the nurse and the Board. This could involve the CRNA agreeing to certain conditions or restrictions on their license.
Formal Hearing (if necessary)
If an informal resolution is not possible or if the Board determines that a more formal process is required, the Board may schedule a formal hearing. During the hearing, both parties present their evidence and arguments.
Decision and Order
After considering all the information presented, the Board issues a decision. This decision may include disciplinary actions such as reprimands, fines, probation, suspension, or revocation of the CRNA's license or credentials.
Appeals Process
If a CRNA disagrees with the Board's decision, they may have the right to appeal the decision through a designated process.
Monitoring and Compliance
If the CRNA is allowed to retain their license with certain conditions, such as probation, the Board may monitor their compliance with these conditions.
Reasons to Hire an Attorney from the Lento Law Firm Team When Facing Nurse Anesthetists License Sanctions in Michigan
Any CRNAs in Michigan facing sanctions by the Michigan Board of Nursing may wonder if it's necessary to hire a lawyer. They may think that since they aren't guilty of the actions someone accused them of doing, the truth will set them free. But the stakes are high when your license and future are at risk. It is in your best interests to consider the magnitude of this threat to your future and hire the Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team. Here's why we feel so strongly about this:
- The threshold is low when it comes to sanctioning CRNAs in Michigan. You face the burden of disproving the allegations against you. The Michigan Board of Nursing may consider you guilty until you are proven innocent. You need a strong strategy to protect your license, and for that, you need an experienced license defense team.
- The Michigan Board of Nursing has extensive resources, and they will rightfully use them when it comes to investigating complaints and sanctioning members. You're not just fighting the Board; you're fighting the entire State of Michigan. You need to level the playing field by having a team of professional license defense lawyers fighting for you and ensuring your rights and future are protected.
- Our lawyers have a strong record of success. The Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team has defended dozens of nursing professionals like you against Boards. There is no substitute for the experience we bring. Our team will fight until your case is resolved to the very best possible conclusion.
When you put your trust in us, you can rest assured that an experienced team of legal professionals will handle all the intricacies of your case so you can focus on your personal and professional responsibilities.
How Our Firm Will Assist You
The Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team is experienced in defending licensed professionals, clearing their names, and getting the best possible outcome in their cases. You can count on us to:
- Fight for the best outcome in your case
- Obtain all evidence and testimony in your case
- Explore possible settlements outside the standard adjudication process
- Stand by you through the adjudication process
- Appeal board decisions as needed
- Take further legal actions, if necessary
We Serve Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Employed by Medical Providers Throughout Michigan
Sanctions against your CRNA license can have devastating consequences on your career. We serve certified registered nurse anesthetists across Michigan. Our team is familiar with top employers in Michigan's medical space, including:
- Sparrow Hospital (Lancing)
- University of Michigan Health (Ann Arbor)
- Beaumont Hospital (Royal Oak)
- Beaumont Hospital (Troy)
- Trinity Health (Ann Arbor)
- Cornwell Health (Grand Rapids)
- Henry Ford Hospital (Detroit0
- Munson Medical Center (Traverse City)
- Beaumont Hospital (Grosse Pointe)
- Bronson Methodist Hospital (Kalamazoo)
Contact the Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team Today
The Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team has years of experience helping nursing professionals defend their licenses against Boards across the country. We can help you, too. Contact the Lento Law Firm today at 888.535.3686 or through our online form, and let's discuss how we can help you.