Pennsylvania nurses are receiving State Board of Nursing notices demanding that they admit guilt and relinquish their license, if they have credentials from one of the now-closed Florida nursing schools involved in the Operation Nightingale fake credentials scandal. The notices encourage nurses to retain qualified professional license defense counsel before responding to the State Board of Nursing's demand.
The Lento Law Firm's License Defense Team are available to represent you before the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and in your employment or school issues arising out of the Florida nursing schools fraud scandal. You have everything on the line in these nursing license issues. Call 888.535.3686 or go online now for premier Pennsylvania license defense attorney services.
The Florida Nursing Schools Fraud Scandal
The U.S. Attorney's Office in Miami, Florida, filed criminal fraud charges alleging sale of fake nursing degrees and fraudulent transcripts to thousands of aspiring nurses, including many Haitian and African immigrants. The U.S. Attorney based the charges on the Department of Health & Human Services' Operation Nightingale, involving these Florida nursing schools:
● MedLife Institute West Palm Beach;
● Sacred Heart International Institute;
● Quisqueya Health Care Academy;
● Quisqueya School of Nursing also known as Sunshine Academy;
● Palm Beach School of Nursing; and
● Sienna College.
If the credentials you submitted for your Pennsylvania nursing license included education at any of these schools, or if you gained admission to another nursing school based on credentials from these schools, your license is at risk. You could lose your Pennsylvania nursing license, Pennsylvania nursing employment, and nursing career if you don't take swift action.
Pennsylvania Threatens Nurses with Suspect Credentials
One of the criminal defendants in the above cases has attested at prosecutor request that he sold fraudulent credentials to certain nurses. The defendant has listed those nurses by name for state officials to investigate. The Prosecution Division of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs has sent notices to Pennsylvania nurses whom that defendant listed. The notices give the involved nurse thirty days to admit guilt and relinquish their license or face license revocation proceedings.
Pennsylvania Encourages Nurses to Retain Counsel
The Pennsylvania prosecutor's notice to the involved nurses specifically encourages the nurses to retain and consult qualified professional license defense counsel before admitting to the license charges. The notice includes an agreement that the nurse must sign, admitting to the fraud. Admitting in an official writing that you committed nursing license fraud could have career-long implications, perhaps barring you from nursing practice forever. The prosecutor's notice thus wisely concludes, "The Department of State suggests that you consider speaking with an attorney prior to making any decision in this matter."
Pennsylvania Authority to Revoke Licenses
The Pennsylvania state code authorizes the State Board of Nursing not only to license nurses for practice in Pennsylvania but also to suspend and revoke a license for violating nursing standards. Those standards include education requirements. The State Board of Nursing may notify any nurse with suspect credentials from one of the above Florida nursing schools of the board's disciplinary investigation.
State board notices in the Florida nursing schools fraud scandal are generally giving involved nurses the option of either surrendering their license or submitting proof that they completed the coursework, clinical hours, and other education their credentials claim. Your best option depends on your individual circumstances. The LLF Law Team is available to help you pursue your best course for your best possible licensing outcome. Listen to the prosecutor's advice. Retain skilled and experienced professional license defense counsel.
Pennsylvania Employer Notices to Involved Nurses
Even if the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing does not notify you of a licensing investigation, your Pennsylvania nursing employer may notify the state board of your suspect credentials. Your employer may also suspend or terminate you, or require you to document the education your credentials claim. Retain the LLF Law Team to help you communicate, negotiate, and advocate with your Pennsylvania nursing employer.
Pennsylvania License Defense Attorney Available
The LLF Law Firm Professional License Defense team have helped hundreds of Pennsylvania professionals and professionals in other states respond to state boards, professional schools, and employers over professional license issues. Call 888.535.3686 or go online now for Pennsylvania representation in the Florida nursing schools scandal.