The Lento Law Firm Defends Missouri Dentists
Dentists in Missouri have abundant valuable professional opportunities. You know the rewards of practicing dentistry in Missouri. The state's large population centers in the St. Louis and Kansas City metropolitan areas and substantial populations in and around Springfield, Columbia, Independence, Lee's Summit, and other areas require substantial dental services. The state's generally temperate climate, attractive natural environment, and sophisticated culture and arts add to the value and charm of a Missouri dental practice.
Yet if you face Missouri Dental Board disciplinary charges, you must retain your Missouri dentist's license in good standing if you are to enjoy those dental practice benefits. You have a lot to lose when facing Missouri Dental Board charges. You may have many questions about professional disciplinary charges. Retain the Lento Law Firm's premier Professional License Defense Team now to answer your questions and for skilled defense, whether you are in St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia, Independence, Lee's Summit, or any other Missouri location. Call 888.535.3686 or chat with us now for Missouri dentist disciplinary defense.
Missouri Dental Board Licensure
You must retain your Missouri Dental Board license if you expect to practice dentistry in Missouri. Section 332.181 of Missouri's Dental Practice Act requires that you apply to the Board and renew your applications to maintain a current state dental license for practice anywhere in the state. Section 332.071 defines dental practice broadly to include any of the services dentists typically perform using their knowledge, skill, and training. Section 332.069 expressly prohibits dental practice in the state without a license. Don't ignore disciplinary charges. Your dental license is worth far too much to treat disciplinary charges lightly. Let us help you mount a prompt and effective defense.
Nationwide Stakes to Missouri Dental Board Charges
Missouri offers dental license reciprocity. Section 324.009 of Missouri's Dental Practice Act provides that if you have a dental license in good standing in another state, then you may license by those credentials rather than repeating the laborious licensing process. Reciprocity offers you enormous advantages if you plan to move your dental practice from state to state or practice in multiple states. Just because you have a Missouri dental license does not authorize you to practice in another state. You must license in each state in which you practice. Yet if you lose your Missouri dental license to disciplinary charges, then you will lose those reciprocity rights. In short, your Missouri dental disciplinary charges have a potential nationwide impact. Don't ignore the charges, thinking that you can simply license in another state. State dental officials will require you to disclose discipline in other states and will search for records of that discipline.
Missouri Dental Board Disciplinary Authority
The Missouri Dental Board has the legislature's full authority to license, regulate, and discipline dentists practicing in the state. Section 332.031 of the Dental Practice Act authorizes the Board to assume all those powers and duties necessary to regulate the profession for the safe and effective practice of dentistry within the state. Section 332.321 expressly authorizes the Board to refuse to issue a license, to refuse to renew a license, to suspend or revoke a license, or to otherwise discipline a licensee who fails to meet and maintain the Board's standards for safe and effective dental practice. The Dental Practice Act authorizes the Board to retain and empower personnel to carry out its disciplinary authority. The Board takes those powers and duties seriously, with adequate resources to carry them out. When you retain us for your disciplinary defense, you level your disciplinary playing field.
Missouri Dental Board Disciplinary Actions
The Missouri Dental Board takes frequent disciplinary actions against its licensed dentists. And when it suspends or revokes a dentist's license or imposes other disciplines, the Board publishes its disciplinary findings online for the whole world to see. The Board includes the orders of discipline reciting the details of the wrongs the Board found the accused dentist committed. If you suffer discipline, your patients, their family members, your employer, your colleagues and staff, and anyone else with any interest may read the details of the wrongs the Board concluded you committed. Don't ruin your reputation needlessly by ignoring disciplinary charges. The Board may default you if you do not respond timely. Let us help you gain the best possible outcome to disciplinary charges. A charge does not mean that the Board has found you did anything wrong. It does mean you must respond timely.
Missouri Dental Board Discipline Forms
The Missouri Dental Board has several options for how to discipline a dentist whom it believes committed professional misconduct, warranting a sanction. Our Defense Team may be able to help you put those options to your advantage. Disciplinary officials know your investment in your dental practice. They also know the value to patients and the public of a competent dentist. Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act doesn't just authorize license suspension and revocation. Section 332.321 and the accompanying Administrative Rule 20 CSR 2110-2.160 authorize the Board to enter into probationary agreements by consent. The Board may do pretty much as it pleases if you convince the Board that it can protect patients and the public by means other than license suspension or revocation.
Let our Defense Team help you negotiate a win-win resolution of Missouri Dental Board disciplinary charges. Remedial education and training may be one option. Physical or mental examination, counseling, and treatment may be another option. Practice under supervision or limitations may be another option to preserve your license. Or simply acknowledgments, apologies, and assurances of future compliance may be sufficient to preserve a dental license. Remember that disciplinary charges are not findings of misconduct. Let our Defense Team help you put your best foot forward. We have substantial experience negotiating alternative special relief meeting the Board's protective duties and your personal and professional interests.
Missouri Dental Board Disciplinary Grounds
The Missouri Dental Board must base its disciplinary charges on one or more of the statutory grounds for discipline. Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act lists twenty separate disciplinary grounds, many of which include multiple subparts. Those grounds include all the common and uncommon things dental boards across the country see dentists doing that threaten patient and public safety and call the dental profession into disrepute. The Board's disciplinary officials will not lack the grounds for discipline if they suspect you committed misconduct. Consider the following summary of the primary disciplinary grounds together with how our Defense Team may be able to help you defend and defeat the charges.
Impaired Practice as Grounds for Missouri Dental Board Discipline
Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act prohibits practicing dentistry while under the influence of intoxicating drugs or alcohol. Section 332.321 also prohibits practice when unable to do so “with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reasons of professional incompetency, or because of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or as a result of any mental or physical condition.” The statute further prohibits practice by a dentist violating drug laws or if a court has adjudicated the dentist incompetent. Our Defense Team may be able to help you show that you were not impaired, that any apparent impairment was due to other conditions or was temporary and aberrational, and that you have addressed any impairment. You may also have recourse to a referral to the Missouri Dental Well Being Foundation, a voluntary wellness program. Do not accept such a referral without our review, lest you inadvertently lose your license.
Criminal Conviction as Grounds for Missouri Dental Board Discipline
Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act prohibits practice by a dentist whom authorities have convicted of a crime relating to the practice of dentistry or that involves fraud, dishonesty, or moral turpitude. Examples include assault, sexual assault, stalking, theft, embezzlement, disorderly conduct, and indecent exposure. Defense may involve showing that you did not commit the crime or that any crime did not relate to dental practice.
Credentials Fraud as Grounds for Missouri Dental Board Discipline
Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act prohibits any fraudulent act to obtain or renew a dental license. Examples include cheating on licensing exams, misrepresenting your dental education, or concealing a conviction or professional discipline on an application or renewal application. Defense may involve showing that you did not misrepresent any material fact, that any misstatements or omissions were innocent without the intent to deceive, and that you are qualified notwithstanding any errors or omissions.
Financial Improprieties as Grounds for Missouri Dental Board Discipline
Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act prohibits any deceit in billing for dental services. Examples may include billing for services not performed, performing unnecessary services, or overcharging for services performed. Defense may involve proving the reasonableness of charges and the necessity of services and retaining a consulting expert on customary billing practices.
Incompetent Practice as Grounds for Missouri Dental Board Discipline
Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act prohibits “incompetency, misconduct, [or] gross negligence” in the practice of dentistry. Examples might include performing procedures in unconventional ways that injure the patient or failing to diagnose and treat or refer for treatment dangerous conditions. Defense may involve offering the testimony of a consulting expert that the conduct was within the bounds of professional judgment.
Unauthorized Practice as Grounds for Missouri Dental Board Discipline
Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act prohibits unauthorized practice by the accused dentist beyond the bounds of the license or while the license is suspended. The statute also prohibits assisting another, such as a hygienist, in unauthorized practice. Defense may involve showing that you did not perform the alleged services or did not supervise and authorize the unlicensed and unqualified person to perform the alleged services.
Missouri Dental Board Disciplinary Procedures
If you face Missouri Dental Board disciplinary charges, then you will have the opportunity to contest those charges in a fair proceeding. The Missouri Dental Board may not suspend long-term or revoke your dental license without providing you with constitutional due process. Section 332.321 of the Missouri Dental Practice Act articulates the protective procedures that the Board must offer you. You must generally, though, affirmatively invoke those procedures. You cannot just sit back and assume that the Board will act in your interest. The Board may instead default you and forgo its protective procedures if you do not respond timely and appropriately.
Section 33Meta Title: Missouri Dentist Disciplinary Defense | Lento Law Firm2.321 authorizes the Board to investigate complaints against your license. We may be able to help you during the investigation stage by presenting your exonerating and mitigating evidence to the investigator. The statute also authorizes informal resolution conferences at which we may be able to help you negotiate early voluntary dismissal of the charges in exchange for education, counseling, or other acceptable measures. If your matter proceeds to formal charges and hearing, our attorney advisors may appear on your behalf to present your defense evidence and to cross-examine adverse witnesses. We are also available to help you appeal any adverse ruling, even if you have already lost your formal hearing.
Premier Missouri Dentist Disciplinary Defense
Don't underestimate what you have at stake. And don't underestimate your ability to pursue an effective defense strategy when you get the skilled and experienced representation you need. Retain the Lento Law Firm's premier Professional License Defense Team now for experienced defense, whether you are in St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia, Independence, Lee's Summit, or any other Missouri location. Hundreds of professionals nationwide have trusted our Defense Team's services to defend and defeat disciplinary charges. Call 888.535.3686 or chat with us now for Missouri dentist disciplinary defense.