Nursing License Defense in the Fresno Metro Area

Nurses practicing in California's Central Valley area, which the marvelous Fresno anchors but also includes Hanford, Corcoran, Clovis, Madera, and other outlying cities and towns, have great opportunities for personally, professionally, and financially rewarding nursing employment. However, license disciplinary charges threaten your ability to continue your nursing practice. You could lose everything to disciplinary charges. If you face nursing license discipline in the Fresno area, retain the Lento Law Firm's premier Professional License Defense Team for your best license defense outcome. Call 888.535.3686 or complete this contact form now to preserve and protect your Fresno area nursing practice and employment.

Nursing Practice in the Fresno Area

As a nurse practicing in the greater Fresno area, including nearby Clovis and Parlier, Corcoran, and Hanford to the south, and Madera to the north, you know that the area's substantial population and many healthcare facilities support rewarding nursing practices. Fresno's Heart & Surgical Hospital, VA Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Community Regional Medical Center, and St. Agnes Medical Center, the Adventist Medical Center in Reedley, the Clovis Community Medical Center, among many other facilities, offer substantial nursing employment. Fresno Healthcare Staffing and the Fresno NurseRegistry office are among the several nurse staffing agencies broadening your employment opportunities. Don't lose those opportunities to license disciplinary charges. Get our skilled defense help.

Nurse Licensing Authority in the Fresno Area

The California Board of Registered Nursing licenses nurses across the state, including in the Fresno area, under the state's Nursing Practice Act. The Board of Registered Nursing also disciplines nursing licenses, publicly reporting its many disciplinary actions, such as suspending and revoking nursing licenses. While the California Board of Registered Nursing has its main office in Sacramento, the Board staffs an Enforcement Division with dozens of officials located all around the state, including in Fresno, to investigate nurses charged with misconduct. The state regulates nursing, not the county or city. However, the state nursing board has the personnel and resources to investigate allegations against your nursing license in the Fresno area. Let us help you respond to those allegations so that you do not face the California Board of Registered Nursing discipline.

Disciplinary Grounds Against Fresno Area Nurses

The California Nursing Practice Act names the grounds on which the California Board of Registered Nursing's Fresno area enforcement officers can charge you with misconduct. California Business & Professions Code Section 2761 and related provisions authorize the Board of Registered Nursing to discipline nurses on a long list of grounds, including credential fraud, patient abuse or neglect, mental or physical unfitness, nursing practice impaired by substance abuse, incompetent or grossly negligent nursing, and other unprofessional acts. The disciplinary grounds the Board of Registered Nursing alleges against you are important. The alleged grounds guide our investigation and defense of your disciplinary charges. The evidence we pursue and acquire, the defense presentation we make, and the remedial relief we may be able to negotiate all depend on the nature of the disciplinary charges. Trust our attorneys to know the right approach for your best outcome to Fresno area nursing license disciplinary charges.

Types of Fresno Area License Defense Issues

Fresno Area Nurse Professional Fitness Issues

You may rightly wonder what conduct on your part can lead to disciplinary charges. One type or category of disciplinary charges involves your professional fitness, including such things as your mental health, physical health, any violent propensities reflected by domestic violence restraining orders or criminal convictions, and your character for honesty. You must continue to show the California Board of Registered Nursing that you have the good moral character and fitness to carry out your nursing duties without risk to patients or the public.

Fresno Area Nurse Professional Practice Issues

A second type of disciplinary charge involves your professional performance or practice, including such things as whether you followed standard nursing practices for lifting, moving, and otherwise caring for your patients, properly recorded patient conditions, promptly reported changes in those conditions, properly administered prescribed medication doses, properly used and maintained medical supplies and equipment, and maintained a clean and sterile practice environment. Patient neglect and abuse would fall into this category involving professional incompetence.

Fresno Area Nurse License Administrative Issues

A third type of disciplinary charge has to do with administrative issues and bureaucratic challenges. You must, for instance, make honest and accurate statements on your nursing license application or face credential fraud charges for subverting the application process. You must also periodically renew your nursing license, making honest and accurate disclosures of potentially disqualifying convictions and other conditions. You must also avoid practicing without a license or beyond the scope of your license while also not facilitating the practice of another without a license or beyond the scope of a license. You must cooperate with any California Board of Registered Nursing investigation of your fitness or the fitness of another nurse.

Our Fresno Area License Defense Services

Fresno Area License Defense of Professional Fitness Issues

Our attorneys can help you defend any of the above types of disciplinary charges in the Fresno area. If, for instance, your issue involves your personal fitness, we can help you adopt and implement a sensible recovery plan that may either head off disciplinary charges or eliminate the risk of a punitive sanction if charges ensue. We may be able to negotiate the California Board of Registered Nursing's voluntary dismissal of your disciplinary charges because we have already helped you complete the remedial measures, like evaluation, treatment, training, restitution, and recovery, that the Board would have required of you. Do not enter the California Board of Registered Nursing's alternative to discipline program without first retaining and consulting us. The consent decree may require you to relinquish or limit your nursing license and may impose onerous, expensive, and unnecessary drug testing, monitoring, and reporting requirements. A private recovery plan may be by far your better option if we are able to negotiate it in lieu of formal discipline.

Fresno Area License Defense of Professional Practice Issues

If, instead, your Fresno area nursing license disciplinary charges involve your nursing practice and performance, we can help you evaluate and challenge the misconduct allegations. The complaining patient or family member may have misidentified you, misunderstood your proper actions, or failed to recognize what your nursing standards required you to do under the circumstances. We may be able to present the supporting testimony of a consulting nurse witness that you met the standard of nursing care, that your actions were within a safe harbor for the reasonable exercise of professional judgment, or that you did the best that a nurse could do under the limitations of the supplies, equipment, supervision, and support for your nursing assignments.

Fresno Area License Defense of Administrative Issues

If, instead, your Fresno area nursing license disciplinary charges involve administrative issues like alleged credential fraud, practice beyond a license's scope, or failure to timely renew a license, then we can help you make your best defense that you met all administrative requirements, any technical departure from requirements did not harm or threaten the health, safety, or welfare of any patient, and that you have cured or can promptly cure the administrative issue. California Board of Registered Nursing disciplinary officials are not necessarily out to use technical, administrative violations to harm a nurse's career when the nurse supplies critical nursing services in a time of nurse shortages. We have the reputation, skills, and relationships to reassure disciplinary officials that you do not present a patient or public protection risk once we have helped you address and resolve your administrative issues.

California Procedures for Fresno Nurse Defense

The available procedures through which we pursue the above Fresno area nursing license defense are important to your best outcome. The California Business & Professions Code requires the Board of Registered Nursing to adjudicate disciplinary charges consistent with the administrative adjudication procedural protections of the California Administrative Procedure Act, codified in California Government Code Sections 11500-11544. Those procedures ensure your constitutional right to due process. We can invoke those procedures to:

  • ensure you get fair notice of the disciplinary charges;
  • arrange for early conciliation conferences to negotiate dismissal;
  • invoke a formal hearing on any remaining charges;
  • present your exonerating and mitigating defense evidence; and
  • challenge the Board of Registered Nursing's adverse evidence.

Our attorneys can also appeal your nursing license discipline if you have already lost your formal administrative hearing. If you have also lost your appeal, the California Administrative Procedure Act offers limited judicial review. We may be able to get your discipline overturned by the courts. Let us help you exhaust your administrative remedies until you achieve your best nursing license disciplinary outcome.

Avoiding Fresno Area Nurse Disciplinary Charges

Don't miss the opportunity to head off Fresno area nursing license disciplinary charges if possible. Disciplinary charges often come from a disaffected, disillusioned, deluded, and otherwise unhappy patient or the patient's family members. Patients and their family members don't necessarily know nursing standards. They may misconstrue your proper actions as if they were improper, incompetent, neglectful, or deliberately harmful. Retain us the moment you hear of patient or family member concerns sufficient to threaten to report you to the California Board of Registered Nursing. Our attorneys can help you quickly acquire and organize, as well as diplomatically and sensitively present your justification for your proper nursing actions. We may be able to show your patients and their family members that you did nothing wrong or that you had a sound reason for any arguable departure from nursing standards. Let us help you head off Fresno area disciplinary charges if possible. Better to avoid charges than to have to defend them.

Your Fresno Area Nursing Colleagues and Employer

Your Fresno area professional colleagues and employer representatives are also potential reporters of your alleged nursing misconduct. When they see you doing things that they believe violate nursing standards and threaten patient safety, they may owe their own duty to report your suspected misconduct to the California Board of Registered Nursing. The California Department of Consumer Affairs maintains its online BreEZe system for complaint reporting. Once again, though, we may be able to effectively intervene on your behalf when you promptly retain our attorneys the moment you hear that a colleague or employer representative believes you did something sufficiently risky or wrong to report to the Board of Registered Nursing. We may be able to share your explanatory information and special circumstances, together with reassuring opinions of consulting nurse witnesses, that your conduct met the standard of nursing care under the circumstances. Your reputation and relationships among your Fresno area nursing colleagues and employer representatives are important to your continued professional success. Let us help you preserve those relationships by showing how responsibly you treat your nursing duties, including allegations that you did not fulfill those duties.

Your Stakes in a Fresno Area Nurse License Matter

Let's face it: you have a good thing going in your Fresno area nursing practice. Whether you live and work in Fresno, its immediate environs like Clovis or Sanger, or outside Fresno nearer Hanford, Corcoran, Madera, Mendota, or even Chowchilla well to the north, you have substantial, valuable employment available to you. The Fresno area's healthcare facilities and nursing agencies facilitate your opportunity to expand your nursing skills and professional network to secure your income, career, and future. Don't risk all those stakes to California Board of Registered Nursing disciplinary charges. Let our attorneys help you defend and defeat the charges in the Fresno area.

Premier Fresno Area License Defense

If you are a nurse facing license disciplinary charges in the Fresno area, including Hanford and Corcoran, retain the Lento Law Firm's premier Professional License Defense Team for the skilled and experienced defense representation you need. We help hundreds of nurses and other professionals defend state licensing board disciplinary charges. Call 888.535.3686 or complete this contact form now for our highly qualified attorney representation.


Attorney Joseph D. Lento and the Lento Law Firm are committed to answering your questions about Physician License Defense, Nursing License Defense, Pharmacist License Defense, Psychologist and Psychiatrist License Defense, Dental License Defense, Chiropractic License Defense, Real Estate License Defense, Professional Counseling License Defense, and Other Professional Licenses law issues nationwide.
The Lento Law Firm will gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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