Earlier in June, researchers at the New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing released the results of a recent study on the impact of organizational support on nursing personnel.
The study, which was published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, highlighted the effect that co-worker and employer support can have on nurses. It showed the significant link between support from co-workers in the healthcare organization and good nursing employee retention.
Colleague and organizational support, alongside adequate pre-pandemic preparedness, influenced the decision of nurses to remain in their positions and continue with their jobs. Conversely, nurses who were inclined to leave their positions demonstrated symptoms indicative of mild to severe levels of depression.
If your mental health has caused you to make mistakes on the job, and someone is either planning to file or has already filed a complaint against you, you need to protect yourself and your license. Our Professional Defense Team at the Lento Law Firm can help you.
Call us today at 888-535-3686 or fill out our online contact form to discuss your case.
Why Poor Mental Health and Job Dissatisfaction is Dangerous
Many nurses are struggling with their mental health. For instance, an American Nurses Foundation Mental Health and Wellness Survey shows that almost 30% of the nursing respondents are battling with varying degrees of depression.
Worse, in another joint survey carried out by the American Nurses Foundation and McKinsey, two-thirds of the nurses said there's no support for their mental health. This has led to a burnout “epidemic” among nurses.
Depression has been linked to presenteeism –when individuals are present at work but are not performing at their best. And sometimes, nurses take to self-medication to cope. This can impact the level of patient care, and the quality of healthcare patients receive in the hospital. It can also lead to severe professional consequences for the nurses.
For instance, patients can file complaints against you.
How Does This Affect Your Nursing License?
If a nurse makes mistakes because they're experiencing severe levels of burnout or they aren't in a good head space, it can lead to serious consequences.
For instance, apart from career-ending malpractice suits, there's also the risk of facing disciplinary action from the Board of Nursing that may lead to the suspension or revocation of their professional nursing license.
Contact an Experienced Professional License Defense Attorney
If you are facing accusations or are concerned that someone will complain, you should seek help from our Professional License Defense Team at the Lento Law Firm. Once someone files a complaint against you, you'll be at the mercy of the Board of Nursing (BON) until that matter is resolved or struck out.
Don't wait until your case gets to the board before taking preventative steps. Once a case gets to the board, you could be at risk of facing probation, or worse, license suspensions and revocations. That's not a situation you want to happen. If someone has filed a complaint against you, don't try to explain things by yourself or ignore the complaint. Get in touch with us immediately.
The Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team can help you prepare for hearings or investigations, protect your rights, and provide valuable legal advice when you're dealing with the board.
Call us today at 888-535-3686 or fill out our online contact form.
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