Professional license charges can get undesirable public attention. Any professional facing a license proceeding would prefer that no one learn, speak, or read about it. The less said, the better. Professionals generally need a good reputation to build and maintain their professional practice. Despite the myth that any press is good press, to the contrary, bad press can cripple a professional's practice, especially when the bad press's subject involves the professional's license issues. After all, licenses protect the public. If a professional has a licensing issue, then perhaps the public should hear about it.
The Source of Bad Press
Public protection is indeed why the public may learn about your professional license proceeding. Licensing bodies tend to keep unfounded and frivolous license complaints confidential in their usual investigatory and adjudicatory process or at least make no effort to publicize them. But licensing bodies tend to do the opposite when preliminary review finds potential merit to the complaint and the licensing body issues formal license charges. You may find the charges on the licensing body's website or even published in professional journals. You generally can't keep an arguably meritorious license charge secret because doing so doesn't protect the public. Keep on the lookout for those official postings and for press, social media, or other communications about your charges. Yes, read everything, even the negative comments you may see so that you know what's out there. And advise your retained attorney whenever you see anything inaccurate, especially anything defamatory, lowering your professional reputation.
Other Words to the Wise
So, how should a professional handle bad press relating to a licensing proceeding? First, don't you be the source of bad press. Keep your mouth quiet about it among acquaintances so that you don't pique curiosity. Maybe your charges will fly under the radar. Second, get your retained license defense attorney 's help rehearsing a confident and accurate statement to share whenever you must or should respond to word about your license charges. You've heard these things before: “I fully expect a fair process to confirm my skilled and competent professional performance in all respects. I look forward to getting this challenge behind me and returning to my beloved practice helping my patients….” Let your attorney help you decide if you have the communication skills to pull it off. You may decide that your attorney should respond and speak for you. Avoid going beyond your rehearsed statement, though. Getting into details won't help you, only drawing more attention to a license proceeding you'd rather have the public ignore and forget.
Premier Attorney Representation Available
Professional license defense attorney Joseph D. Lento has the skills and extensive experience you need for your license proceeding's best outcome. Retain a preeminent license defense attorney and defense team now. Recognize everything you have at stake in your professional license. Call the Lento Law Firm at 888.535.3686 or go online now.
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