A Florida obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) physician, Dr. Elaine Sharp, was arrested following a year-long investigation into her narcotics prescribing habits. Sharp, who has been practicing medicine for three and a half decades, spent most of her career working as an OBGYN but began practicing outside her practice area in 2017 when she began treating patients for opioid addiction treatment and treatment of chronic pain.
Her prescribing and treatment practices have resulted in two first-degree murder charges, and even if she is acquitted, she could be facing disciplinary action with the Florida Board of Medicine. If you're a physician whose treatment and prescribing practices are being scrutinized, you need to be on the defense.
At the Lento Law Firm, we understand that you are just trying to do right by your patients, consistent with your oath to do no harm. While your practices may be consistent with the standard of care, if misconduct allegations have been made against you, you need the Lento Law Firm Professional License Defense Team to represent you before your state's medical board. Call us today at 888-535-3686 or contact us online.
Sharp's Prescribing and Treatment Practices
Sharp's prescribing and treatment practices after she began treating patients for addiction and pain management differed from those of the average physician. According to court documents, Sharp wrote over 3,000 prescriptions for controlled substances in twelve months, an amount substantially higher than her peers in the state. Not only was she reported to be prescribing more controlled substances, but she was prescribing them in higher doses than is typical for pain management physicians. Walmart pharmacies in her area issued a blanket refusal to fill any of Sharp's prescriptions. Additionally, between 2017 and 2022, twelve of Sharp's patients unfortunately passed away from overdoses of narcotics that Sharp prescribed. Sharp has admitted that she knowingly prescribed controlled substances to people who were abusing the prescription medication.
Consequences for Sharp
While Sharp is facing criminal charges, her license could be on the line regardless of the outcome of her criminal case. Inappropriately prescribing narcotics, causing harm to a patient, and deviating from acceptable standards of care, as Sharp has been accused of, are all offenses that could land her before the Florida Board of Medicine.
What to Do If Your Medical License is Being Threatened
You may have a long road ahead if you are a physician accused of misconduct. Even when a situation is a misunderstanding, and you are innocent of all allegations, your state's medical board is obligated to investigate your case, and they won't always give you the benefit of the doubt. The only person you can guarantee to be by your side is your Lento Law Firm attorney. Our Professional License Defense Team is well-versed in medical board disciplinary actions and has successfully represented countless physicians accused of misconduct. Let us help you today by calling 888-535-3686 or contacting us online.
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