They're everywhere now: cameras. When you're at an ATM, you're on camera. When you're in the grocery store, you're on camera. They're even in stoplights now.
The fact is, you can never be certain in today's world when you might be on camera, which means that as a professional, you have to act professionally at all times, even if you may not think anyone is watching.
It's just as true, though, that you have rights. Just because you've been caught on camera doing something you shouldn't doesn't mean you'll face charges or lose your license. The Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team knows how to handle video evidence. If you're in trouble, we can help. Call 888-535-3686 to find out how, or use our online form to tell us about your situation.
Smoking in a Patient's Room
The business or organization you work for may have cameras set up in your facility. Most healthcare professionals know about these, and they're careful how they act in front of them. More insidious, though, are cameras you might not know are there.
In one recent news story out of Ohio, a nurse found himself caught on camera smoking an unidentified "white substance." Police were called to the scene, and ultimately, his job and his personal credentials were put in jeopardy. The thing is, it wasn't the facility camera that caught him, and it wasn't the facility that called the police.
As it turns out, a patient's family had set up a hidden camera in the patient's room. When the family looked back at the footage, they were alarmed by what they saw. Police, comedians, athletes, and, yes, healthcare workers have all been caught in similar circumstances, doing things they wish they hadn't. It is a testament to the fact that when you're at work—and even when you're not—you must always be conscious of your behavior and how others might view it.
There's another side to this story, though. Cameras can capture what they see, but that's not always enough to know what's actually happening in a given situation. While the nurse, in this case, seemed to be smoking some type of substance, appearances can be deceiving. With no one there in person to verify what happened, such "evidence" is unreliable at best. In addition, many states have laws barring video surveillance of a person without their knowledge.
The fact that you've been "caught on camera" may not mean much in context. That's why it's crucial you consult a Lento Law Firm attorney any time you are facing charges that stem from such evidence.
Trust the Lento Law Firm
No matter what type of misconduct you may be facing, the Lento Law Firm's Professional License Defense Team is on your side. We know the law, and we know how state licensing agencies operate. We're always ready to use what we know to protect your rights and get you a fair and just resolution.
To find out more about just what we can do, call 888-535-3686 today or use the online form to tell us more about your case.
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