The FBI's Operation Nightingale federal enforcement initiative against several Florida nursing schools and their officials alleges that thousands of nursing students got credits and degrees without completing the necessary nursing coursework. The FBI accuses those thousands of nurses of participating in the fraud despite that many of them, indeed thousands of them, passed the NCLEX after certifying for it using the allegedly fake credentials.
The FBI's allegations raise an important question of who gets to say whether a nursing student has passed coursework, the FBI or the accredited schools who serve them? Call 888.535.3686 or go online now to retain the Lento Law Firm's premier Professional License Defense Team and national license defense attorney Joseph D. Lento to defend your nursing credentials. You may well have completed your necessary coursework, just as your nursing school said.
Criminal Informants Allege Faked Credentials
Before anyone judges the thousands of nurses the FBI accuses on its list, recognize who made the list. The FBI got one or more of its criminal target school officials to make the list. That interest alone, to cooperate with FBI officials to minimize the prison sentence, should give one pause about the credibility of the FBI's list.
These Accredited Schools Were Not Fake
Notice, too, that the FBI doesn't allege that the involved Florida nursing schools didn't have faculties, curriculum, and facilities to serve the accused nurses. To the contrary, the involved Florida nursing schools had accreditation, meaning that site visitors to the schools presumably found the faculty, curriculum, facilities, and students all in place. Indeed, several of the involved schools had served hundreds or thousands of nursing students over the years.
The FBI Alleges Students Didn't Complete Coursework
Notice, too, that the FBI doesn't allege that these nursing students did nothing at all other than buy fake credentials. To the contrary, the DOJ's core allegation is that they didn't complete their coursework. The Department of Justice press release includes the same phrase in its description of all three of its main criminal cases: “In fact, the aspiring nurses never completed the necessary courses and clinicals.”
Who Gets to Decide Whether a Nurse Passed a Course?
So, who gets to decide whether these accused nurses, thousands of whom passed the NCLEX to enter gainful nursing practice with the confidence of their patients and employers, passed their coursework? The FBI and its criminal informants? Or the nursing instructors who offered the courses and the students who took and passed them, using the knowledge and skills they learned to pass the NCLEX?
Premier License Defense Attorneys Available
If your state nursing board or employer is challenging your nursing school credentials related to Operation Nightingale, retain the Lento Law Firm's premier Professional License Defense Team and national license defense attorney Joseph D. Lento for the skills and experience you need to defend your nursing credentials issues. Call 888.535.3686 or go online now. You earned it. Don't let a criminal informant take it all away.
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